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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team has created a custom VPC with subnet in one region for deploying its cloud-native applications to GCP.  The application will be deployed to a managed instance group in the custom VPC.

Which of the following will improve the availability of the application with minimum overhead?

A. Create another subnet in the same region in the custom VPC. Deploy the application to an instance in the subnet
B. Create another subnet in the same region in the custom VPC. Deploy the application to a managed instance group in the subnet
C. Create a subnet in a different region in a new custom VPC. Deploy the application to a managed instance group in that subnet
D. Create another subnet in a different region in the custom VPC. Deploy the application to a managed instance group in the subnet

Correct Answer: D

  • Option A is incorrect. Adding another subnet to the region does not improve the availability because the application will be unavailable if that region goes down.
  • Option B is incorrect. Adding another subnet to the region does not improve the availability because the application will be unavailable if that region goes down.
  • Option C is incorrect. Creating a new VPC adds an overhead of managing two VPCs and the connectivity between both VPCs.
  • Option D is correct. Creating another subnet in a different region will ensure the application is available if one region goes down.


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