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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A company has critical data stored in its on-premises datacentre and some applications running in Google compute engine. There is a need for the on-premises hosts to connect to Google APIs and services. As the network engineer, you are responsible for designing and implementing the connectivity.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for on-premises hosts to access Google APIs?

A. Ensure you enable the Google APIs you need to use via the APIs & services page in the Google Cloud Console
B. Configure hybrid connectivity using either the Cloud VPN or Cloud Interconnect
C. Ensure the on-premises gateway device has routes for either the or destination IP ranges
D. Ensure the on-premises gateway device has routes for both the and destination IP ranges

Correct Answer: C

  • Option A is incorrect.  Google APIs that are required need to be enabled separately.
  • Option B is incorrect. The on-premises network must be connected to a VPC network using either Cloud VPN tunnels or Cloud Interconnect attachments (VLANs).
  • Option C is correct. Private Google Access for on-premises hosts requires the on-premises network to have routes for either the or destination IP ranges.
  • Option D is incorrect. Private Google Access for on-premises hosts requires the on-premises network to have routes for either the or destination IP ranges, not both.


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