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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A media company has their web applications deployed in Google Cloud. The web applications need to access data stored in the on-premises data centre. You have the responsibility of configuring the hybrid connectivity between a Google Cloud VPC and an on-premises network using Cloud VPN.

Which of the following shows the correct configuration for the traffic selectors?

A. The remote traffic selector for the tunnel of the peer VPN gateway must match the Cloud VPN local traffic selector
B. The remote traffic selector for the tunnel of the peer VPN gateway must match the Cloud VPN remote traffic selector
C. The Cloud VPN remote traffic selector must be the same as the local traffic selector for the tunnel on your peer VPN gateway
D. The Cloud VPN local traffic selector must be the same as the local traffic selector for the tunnel on your peer VPN gateway
E. The local traffic selector for the peer network should cover all the subnets in your VPC

Correct Answers: A and C

  • Option A is correct.  This is the correct configuration. The local traffic selector (VPC Subnet CIDRs) of the Cloud VPN gateway should match the remote traffic selector (VPC Subnet CIDRs)  of the peer VPN gateway.
  • Option B is incorrect. This is an incorrect configuration. The remote traffic selector on one end of the tunnel must match the local traffic selector on the other end of the tunnel.
  • Option C is correct. This is the correct configuration. The remote traffic selector of the Cloud VPN gateway should match the local traffic selector of the peer VPN gateway.
  • Option D is incorrect. This is an incorrect configuration. The local traffic selector on one end of the tunnel must match the remote traffic selector on the other end of the tunnel.
  • Option E is incorrect. This is an incorrect configuration, The local traffic selector for the peer network should cover all on-premises subnets that need access to the VPC.


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