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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A gaming company is using Cloud Interconnect to connect several VPC networks in its Google Cloud Organization to its on-premises network. As the network engineer, the business has asked you to restrict certain VPCs from using the Cloud Interconnect connection.

Which of these is NOT a way to achieve this?

A. Apply a policy at the organization level to restrict Cloud Interconnect usage
B. Apply a policy at the Network level to restrict Cloud Interconnect usage
C. Apply a policy at the project level to restrict Cloud Interconnect usage
D. Apply a policy at the folder level to restrict Cloud Interconnect usage

Correct Answer: B

  • Options A, C, D are incorrect.  An organization policy for restricting Cloud Interconnect usage allows or denies the creation of VLAN attachments (for Cloud Interconnect) from specified VPC networks. You can set a policy that allows or denies the creation of VLAN attachments from a specific VPC network or all VPC networks in a project, folder, or organization resource.
  • Option B is correct. You cannot apply policies at the network level. You can only apply policies at the organization, folder, and project levels in a Google Cloud organization.


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