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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are the network engineer for an online gaming company. The company has its resources deployed in Google Cloud VPC. You have been asked to analyze and optimize the firewall rules applied to the VPC to enable the team to identify overly permissive rules that can be made stricter.

Which of the following steps is NOT needed?

A. Enable the Compute Engine API
B. Enable the Recommender API
C. Enable the Firewall Rules Logging
D. Enable the firewall insights API

Correct Answer: A

  • Option A is correct. The compute API is not listed as required to use the firewall insights feature.
  • Option B is incorrect.  Firewall Insights provides access to insights, recommendations, and metrics about your firewall rules. To obtain insights about overly permissive rules, you need to enable the Recommender API.
  • Option C is incorrect.  Firewall Insights provides access to insights, recommendations, and metrics about your firewall rules. To obtain insights about overly permissive rules, you need to enable the Firewall Rules Logging.
  • Option D is incorrect.  Firewall Insights provides access to insights, recommendations, and metrics about your firewall rules. To obtain insights about overly permissive rules, you need to enable the Firewall Insights API


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