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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A global news company uses Google Cloud VPCs to deploy its resources. The company wants to implement centralized virtual appliances to route all traffic into and out of all VPCs.

which of the following offers an active-passive configuration for the appliances?

A. Configure the routes with the next hop as the Virtual appliance with different priorities
B. Configure the routes with the next hop as the Virtual appliance with the same priorities
C. Configure the routes with the next hop as an external TCP/UDP load balancer with multiple virtual appliances behind it
D. Configure the routes with the next hop as an external HTTPS load balancer with multiple virtual appliances behind it

Correct Answer: A

  • Option A is correct configuring the routes to the different Virtual appliances using different priorities will route traffic to the appliance with the higher priority.
  • Option B is incorrect configuring the routes to the different Virtual appliances using the same priorities will distribute traffic to the appliances using ECMP.
  • Option C is incorrect. An external TCP/UDP load balancer is not a valid next hop.
  • Option D is incorrect. An external HTTPS load balancer is not a valid next hop


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