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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


An application is deployed on Google Compute Engine and users are served through a load balancer. A new feature that requires users to access objects stored in a third-party storage needs to be deployed. You are responsible for configuring the required network services.

Which of the following is NOT part of the solution?

A. Ensure the third-party storage is available and reachable to serve content
B. Configure the external Network load balancer with the internet NEG as a backend
C. Create an internet NEG that uses the storage’s FQDN
D. Configure the external HTTP(S) with the internet NEG as a backend
E. Configure the external HTTP(S) with Cloud Storage as a backend

Correct Answers: B and E

  • Option A is incorrect. This is an important step. The content to be served must be reachable and available.
  • Option B is correct because Network load balancers cannot be used with internet NEG as a backend.
  • Option C is incorrect. To serve content not in Google through the HTTP(S) load balancer, you need to create the internet NEG.
  • Option D is incorrect. The created internet NEG can be attached to the HTTP(S) load balancer as a backend. This will allow users to access content in the third-party storage.
  • Option E is correct. Cloud storage can only serve content that is already in Google.


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