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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


An application is deployed to managed instance group instances. The managed instance group will be placed behind a load balancer in a region. The team managing the application is expecting a surge of user requests and has a requirement for the managed instance group to scale if the average HTTP request rate on any single VM exceeds a specified threshold.

How can this be configured on the load balancer?

A. Configure the load balancer to use Connection balancing mode and specify the Maximum connections for a single VM
B. Configure the load balancer to use Utilisation balancing mode and specify the Maximum backend utilisation
C. Configure the load balancer to use Rate balancing mode and specify the Maximum RPS with the scope of per group
D. Configure the load balancer to use Rate balancing mode and specify the Maximum RPS with the scope of per instance

Correct Answer: D

  • Option A is incorrect. The requirements specify the use of HTTP request rate per VM, this option uses the number of connections per VM.
  • Option B is incorrect. The requirements specify the use of HTTP request rate per VM, this option uses maximum backend utilisation.
  • Option C is incorrect. The requirements specify the use of HTTP request rate for each VM, this option uses the HTTP request rate for the whole instance group.
  • Option D is correct. This option correctly configures the load balancer to use the Maximum RPS (Requests Per Second) for each VM.


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