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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


As the Network Engineer in your team. You have created a VPC-native Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, but the cluster has been stuck in the provisioning state for a long period of time.

Which of the following is a possible reason?

A. Another VPC-native cluster is being created at the same time using the same ranges in the same VPC network
B. The default SNAT is not disabled
C. There are not enough addresses in the Pod IP address range
D. IAM permissions are not sufficient

Correct Answer: C

  • Option A is incorrect, this does not cause your cluster to be stuck in the provisioning state. It gives the error “invalid IPCidrRange”.
  • Option B is incorrect this does not cause your cluster to be stuck in the provisioning state.
  • Option C is correct. If the remaining number of Pod IPs is less than 110 during cluster creation, another node will not be added to the cluster. Hence the cluster creation will be stuck in the provisioning state.
  • Option D is incorrect. this does not cause your cluster to be stuck in the provisioning state.


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