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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are part of the SRE team in your organisation. After a recent incident in production and the follow-up post-mortem, your team has been invited to a production meeting.

Following Google SRE’s best practice, which of the following should not be discussed at the meeting?

A. Upcoming production changes that have been planned.
B. Priority action items to be assigned to people and tracked.
C. Team members responsible for the last outage.
D. An issue that is not pageable and does not require attention so it can be removed from alerting.

Corrcet Answer: C

  • Option A, B and D are incorrect. These should be on the agenda at production meetings.
  • Option C is CORRECT. A blameless SRE culture promotes openness about faults, so finger-pointing is not recommended.


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