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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are one of the on-call engineers in a global team managing an application running in production. A recent update has caused the application’s response time to increase drastically. An incident has been declared and actions to mitigate the issue have not yet been deployed. Your team is coming to the end of your workday.

Following Google’s SRE practice, what should be done?

A. Hand over command to developers in another location
B. Stay over-time to resolve the issue
C. Hand over command to an Incident Commander in another location
D. Close for the day and resume resolving the next working day.

Corrcet Answer: C

  • Options A, B and D are incorrect. Hand off needs to be given to another Incident Command to coordinate the activities. Overtime is not recommended to avoid burnout especially when you have a global team. Leaving an incident with no one responsible for it and unresolved is not recommended
  • Option C is CORRECT.


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