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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A company wants to use GCP for their development and deployment of applications. They have set up an organization, folders and projects. They want to set up multiple Cloud Source Repositories (CSR) in one Project. Different teams have different access requirements to the CSRs in the Project.

Which of the following is the best way of managing access to the CSR for the different teams?

A. Assign the permissions for the different teams at the folder level
B. Assign the permissions for the different teams at the Project level
C. Assign the permissions for the different teams at the Organization level
D. Assign the permissions for the different teams at the repository level

Correct Answer: D

  • Options A, B and C are incorrect. These are wrong because it is not the most suitable way to assign the permissions because there is no way to assign permissions per repository at project or folder or organization level.
  • Option D is CORRECT. This is the best way, because you can assign different roles to different teams in each repository


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