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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are responsible for setting up an automated CICD pipeline. The pipeline will be used to build docker images for application deployment to GKE. Recently the performance (build speed)) of Cloud Build in your pipeline has been dropping.

What steps can you take to improve the speed of builds? Choose TWO

A. Exclude files not needed by your build with a .gcloudignore file.
B. Utilize larger base images where possible.
C. Exclude files not needed by your build with a .gitignore file
D. select a virtual machine with a higher CPU
E. Add more permissions to the Cloud Build Service Account

Correct Answers: A and D

  • Options A & D are CORRECT. Use .gcloudignore file to exclude unneeded files and selecting a higher machine type will speed up builds .
  • Options B, C and E is incorrect. Larger base images will slow down builds and the Service Account permissions does not affect build speed.


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