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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A new public cloud provider is growing in popularity. Your SRE team has been handling a lot of tickets which relate to increasing the quotas for resources consumed. Following Google’s SRE best practice, how can you improve this?

A. Set aside time to automate the collection, validation and update of the Quotas 
B. Employ more staff to handle the quota requests as needed.
C. Create a rotating schedule for the SRE team to handle the requests.
D. Increase the current quota of all users.

Corrcet Answer: A

  • Option A is CORRECT. Google’s SRE principle suggests identifying and reducing toil (repetitive, manual, and automatable processes)
  • Option B is incorrect. This does not address the repetitive nature of the quotas and if the quota requests continue to increase you will need to hire more people to handle it.
  • Options C and D are incorrect. These options do not minimize the toil of responding to quotas.


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