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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team has developed and tested a video processing service for your company. The video service accepts videos in one format and converts it to another specified format. Your team has agreed on the indicator metrics to track the performance of the system. All stakeholders of the application have agreed on a minimum target value, within a rolling 4-week window, for the indicator metric used to measure the service.

What is needed to guarantee a level of service to the customer with consequences for missing it?

A. Create a Service Level Objective and share with the users.
B. Create an Error Budget and share with the users.
C. Create a Service Level Indicator and share with the users
D. Create a Service Level Agreement and share with the users

Correct Answer: D

  • Options A, B and C are incorrect. Only the Service Level Agreements have consequences for not meeting Service Level Objectives.
  • Option D is CORRECT. An SLA is needed


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