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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You are working as a Solutions Architect for a Startup company that is planning to migrate an on-premise application to Google Cloud. They want to transfer a large number of files to Google Cloud Storage using the gsutil command line. How can you speed up the transfer process?

A. Use -m option with gsutil command
B. Use -o option with gsutil command
C. Use du option with gsutil command
D. Use mb option with gsutil command

Option A is correct

When you have to transfer a large number of files from on-premise to Cloud storage using gsutil command then -m is the best option as it enables parallel multithreading copying

Option B is incorrect because it is used when you have to copy a file which is large in size

Option C is incorrect because it is used to get object size usage

Option D is incorrect because it is used to create a bucket

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