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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You are creating a single preemptible VM instance named “preempt” to be used as scratch space for a single workload. If your VM is deleted, you need to ensure that disk contents can be re-used. Which gcloud command would you use to create this instance?


A. gcloud compute instances create “preempt” –preemptible

gcloud compute instances set-disk-auto-delete preempt –no-auto-delete
B. gcloud compute instances create “preempt” –preemptible –boot-disk-auto-delete=no
C. gcloud compute instances create “preempt” –preemptible
D. gcloud compute instances create “preempt” –no-auto-delete

Correct Answer A


A (Correct answer) – Specifying ‘–no–auto-delete’ preserves the disk. This flag is not enabled by default so if not specify, it causes the disk to be auto-deleted.

B – The default is boot disk automatically delete and no flag needed, also the syntax is incorrect for this type of flags

C – if you don’t specify ‘–no-boot-disk-auto-delete’. The default would be boot disk automatically delete

Here is the corresponding console setting displaying the default option

D – when instance created without this flag: –preemptible, it’ll be standard instance


Here is the corresponding console setting in “Availability Policy” when you create instance with –preemptible flag


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