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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


To ensure that your application will handle the load even if an entire zone fails, what should you do? Select all correct options.

A. Don’t select the “Multizone” option when creating your managed instance group.
B. Spread your managed instance group over two zones and overprovision by 100%. (for Two Zone)
C. Create a regional unmanaged instance group and spread your instances across multiple zones.
D. Overprovision your regional managed instance group by at least 50%. (for Three Zones)


Correct answer B and D


B is correct if one zone fails you still have 100% desired capacity in another zone

C is incorrect because it won’t be able to handle the full load since, it’s unmanaged group and won’t auto scale accordingly.

D is correct since you have at least total 150% desired capacity spread over 3 zones, each zone has 50% capacity. You’ll have 100% desired capacity in two zones if any single zone failed at given time.

Reference Resources

If you are creating a regional managed instance group in a region with at least three zones, Google recommends overprovisioning your instance group by at least 50%.


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