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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You need to regularly create disk-level backups of the root disk of a critical instance. These backups need to be able to be converted into new instances that can be used in different projects. How should you do this? Select the two possible ways to accomplish this.

A. Create snapshots, turn the snapshot into a custom image, and share the image across projects.
B. Use the VM migration tools in Compute Engine to copy a VM to a different project.
C. Create snapshots and share them with other projects.
D. Stream your VM’s data into Cloud Storage and share the exported data in the storage bucket with another project.

Correct Answers: A and C

  • B – is for migration not for “regularly creating disk-level backups of the root disk of a critical instance”. There are tools allowing copying (importing) on-premises virtual disk to Compute engine but you cannot copy GCP VM.
  • C(Correct Answer) –  Sharing storage resources across projects and organizations

You can share access to images, disks, and snapshots using the following IAM roles or permissions:

  • Images: The roles/compute.imageUser role or the compute.images.useReadOnly permission.
  • Snapshots: The roles/compute.storageAdmin role or the compute.snapshots.useReadOnly permission.
  • Disks: The roles/compute.storageAdmin role or the compute.disks.useReadOnly permission.

These roles and permissions allow you to share each resource type independently with other team members outside of your projects. For example, your company might have a specific project with qualified images that the rest of your company can use. You can assign a group to the project that is explicitly responsible for creating and maintaining images. Then, you can grant the roles/compute.imageUser role to other team members so that team members can use these images in their own projects.

Note: These roles allow users to use your storage resources in any project, including projects outside of your organization. To restrict image use to specific organizations or specific projects, set the ‘constraints/compute.storageResourceUseRestrictions’ constraint as an organization policy.

A (Correct answer) – The proper method is to create a custom image either from an existing, stopped instance, or snapshots of a boot disk, which can then be shared across projects and used to create additional instances.

D- doesn’t meet the requirement “regularly create disk-level backups of the root disk of a critical instance” nor is it easy to convert into the new instance.

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