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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


A Global Media company is configuring a Global load balancer for non-http(s) traffic. They are looking for a service with SSL offloading and as a Cloud Architect what would be your load balancing choice?

A. HTTPS load balancing
B. SSL proxy Load balancing.
C. TCP proxy Load balancing for all non-http(s) traffic
D. Network TCP/UDP load balancing

Answer: Option B is the CORRECT  choice because  SSL proxy Loadbalancing supports SSL offloading and it is availability is Global and it handles non-http(s) traffic.

Option A is INCORRECT because the traffic is non-http(s).

Option C is INCORRECT because TCP proxy can handle non-http(s) traffic but it doesn’t come with SSL offloading feature.

Option D is INCORRECT because Network TCP/UDP load balancing is Regional and it doesn’t handle SSL offloading.

Google Cloud SSL Proxy Load Balancing terminates user SSL (TLS) connections at the load balancing layer, then balances the connections across your instances using the SSL or TCP protocols. Cloud SSL proxy is intended for non-HTTP(S) traffic.

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