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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company is using Bigquery for data analysis, many users have access to this service and the data set, you would want to know which user has run what query, what would be the best way to get the required information?

A. Go to job history, it has information about which user has run what query.
B. Query the Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) logs
C. Check the Audit logs for the user ID.
D. Go to Query history it has information about which user has run what query.

Correct Answer: D

Option D is correct because Query history has the required information.

Option A is incorrect because it has information about export, load, copy etc.

Options B and C are incorrect because they provide logs for user-specific actions on a high-level basis. They don’t provide query level logs specific to a user.

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