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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You want to make a copy of a production Linux virtual machine in the US-Central region. You want to manage and replace the copy easily if there are changes in the production virtual machine. You will deploy the copy as a new instance in a different project in the US-East region. What steps must you take?

A. Use the Linux dd and netcat commands to copy and stream the root disk contents to a new virtual machine instance in the US-East region.
B. Create a snapshot of the root disk and select the snapshot as the root disk when you create a new virtual machine instance in the US-East region.
C. Create an image file from the root disk with Linux dd command, create a new disk from the image file, and use it to create a new virtual machine instance in the US-East region.
D. Create a snapshot of the root disk, create an image file in Google Cloud Storage from the snapshot, and create a new virtual machine instance in the US-East region using the image file for the root disk.

Correct Answer: D


  • D (Correct Answer) – This approach meets all of the requirements, it is easy to do and works cross project and cross region.
  • A – This approach affects the performance of the existing machine and incurs significate network costs.
  • B – We can share the snapshots of boot dist across the project and region but cannot create an instance using directly the snapshots.
  • C – dd will not work correctly on a mounted disk.

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