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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Helicopter Racing League (HRL) offers a paid service to stream the races all over the world with live telemetry and predictions throughout each race.

Management wants to increase telemetry and create additional insights; they want to start as soon as possible, before the migration  in GCP,  for all kinds of services, and they want to keep on improving this process.

Which of the following is the best solution?

A. Develop a sw module to be deployed inside each Pod in Kubernetes
B. Use open source tools like Prometheus and gradually integrate with Operation Suite
C. Use Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) metrics and data from all the services
D. Use Istio telemetry functions
E. Use Cloudwatch metrics and data from all the services

Correct Answer: B

Telemetry includes all control data and metrics from cloud systems. 
Telemetry needs to be extracted, organized and transmitted from multiple locations to a central point of analysis. We go beyond the scalability and availability of services, because the purpose of this Data is to optimize processes and costs; for example, Telemetry is  used for the security and integrity of applications, to improve the user experience, to maximize performance and, more generally, the quality of systems.

Prometheus is a widely used open-source (Cloud Native Computing Foundation graduated) for the acquisition, integration, query and analysis of telemetry data.

Its  main features are:

  • All data is collected into an easy to use multidimensional data model
  • Uses  a flexible query language called  PromQL
  • Flexible System Management and, security and no overhead
  • graphing and dashboarding support, even if often used with Kabana, another open tool

GCP has new features for Service and Telemetry reporting that may be integrated after migration

  • A is wrong because this is not an easy and fast solution, even if it is the Google internal solution; Pods in Google are often made by the app container plus the control container that deals with telemetry.
  • C  is wrong because Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) don’t cover all the needs for a wide-range telemetry
  • D is wrong because Istio is a service-mesh for Kubernetes; so, it is aimed at microservices architectures. It is open-source and offers important telemetry functions, but it doesn’t cover all of our requirements.
  • E is wrong because Cloudwatch  is the Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) counterpart product in AWS

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