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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your Customer has been testing Kubernetes for a while and needs a punctual analysis comparing the deployment with instance template and  Docker vs Kubernetes. You performed a list of advantages and disadvantages.

Which of the following is correct? (Select THREE)

A. Money-Saving because of less computing power required
B. More manual intervention is needed with K8s
C. Allows continuous integration with Cloud Build
D. Difficult to change Cloud Provider, because K8s is a Google product
E. K8s Container-native load balancing is more performant than Instance Group Load Balancing

Correct Answers: A, C, and E

Option A is correct. Kubernetes can fit more containers/pods in the same VM

Option B is incorrect. Kubernetes can automate more operations and hide the complexity of networking and load balancing

Option C is correct. You may create automation with Cloud Build such as when you commit your source, your production or staging environment will be seamlessly updated.

Option D is incorrect. Kubernetes has been adopted by all the major cloud platforms as the leading Containers Orchestrator

Option E is correct. As you can easily see from the following picture, the container-native load balancer communicates directly with the Pods, connections have fewer network hops, so both latency and throughput are improved.

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