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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company has developed IT Systems deployed on Kubernetes and GKE. The company has also recently acquired a new company and wants to integrate its applications and services. Fortunately, the new company also uses Kubernetes but on Microsoft Azure.

The requirement is to quickly integrate the two Cloud platforms and the on-premises organization, having in this way, the capability to use any type of service.

The solution must be seamless, quick, safe, standard, and fast, without heavy migrations or network updates.

You are asked to identify the best solution among those proposed.

A. It is not possible to meet all the requirements
B. Develop an interface between the various systems that work on-premise
C. Use Cloud Endpoints to create a set of services that encapsulate external ones and use JWT
D. Use Anthos Service Mesh
E. Adopt a proprietary solution from Microsoft

Correct Answer: D

The perfect solution is Anthos Service Mesh.

Anthos Service Mesh is Google’s implementation of the powerful Istio open-source project, allowing you to manage, observe, and secure your services without having to change your application code.

Options A and B are incorrect. It is not possible to develop quickly an internal solution that meets these requirements.

Option C is incorrect because Endpoint creates APIs and doesn’t integrate all kinds of services.

Option E is incorrect because it is not standard and cannot integrate all kinds of services.

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