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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You’re reviewing an application that sometimes executes some SQL queries with unacceptable response times.

You need to find a way to solve the problem and identify the causes.

Which of the following methods would you suggest?

A. Extract the queries from the application code and try to identify the slowest ones
B. Use Cloud Debugger
C. Use Cloud Trace
D. Use Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) Logs and set up a metric
E. Look at the Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) Error Reporting dashboard

Correct Answer: D

Option A is incorrect. It is a manual operation, long and heavy, and the problem may be related to other elements and factors related to the application

Option B is incorrect. Cloud Debugger checks the code, and you already know the queries with problems

Option C is incorrect. Cloud Trace collects latency data from your applications and displays it in the Google Cloud Platform Console. You already know that this kind of problem exists.

Option D is correct. You can set a metric that accurately identifies the log lines related to queries. You can also create an alert that can promptly alert you when the problem is displayed, so you can review all the related logs and information at the right time.

Option E is incorrect. There are no errors, so this is a useless operation.

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