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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You created a new development project and you don’t want to manage a Network. So, you delete the default network because it may consume unwanted resources. What is most likely expected to happen? Select 3 correct options.

A. Nothing. It is the best choice if you deal with a small, free project
B. You cannot create a VM
C. You cannot create a Serverless Function
D. You cannot create a Storage Bucket
E. You are free to create Cloud Functions
F. You may create a Storage Bucket

Correct Answers: B, E, F

Even if you don’t realize that you are working inside a VPC, any Compute Operations need a Network.

So, GCP refuses to create even a simple VM.

Instead, serverless technologies are free from infrastructure. So, no server and NO NETWORK.

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