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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You are attending a tech AWS meetup and the speaker is talking about Cloud Storage features.

You, as an experienced GCP Cloud Architect, notice that there are some inaccuracies.

Please choose the correct statements (Select 3).

A. Cloud Storage Object can be updated or appended
B. It has Global consistency
C. There is an archive and cheap Solution like AWS Glacier
D. Buckets may have a Retention Policy and objects can be versioned

Correct Answers: B, C, D

A is wrong: Cloud Storage Object cannot be updated or appended. Objects are immutable, you cannot make incremental changes to objects, such as append operations or truncate operations. You may overwrite objects, so incremental updates can be achieved by rewriting an object with the desired updates.

B is correct: It has Global consistency. It is different from AWS because it has full consistency for all these operations: Read-after-write, Read-after-metadata-update, Read-after-delete, Bucket listing, Object listing and Granting access to resources

C is correct: There is an archive and cheap Solution like AWS Glacier. There is the Archival Storage, that is available within milliseconds. It is the low-cost, highly durable storage service for data archiving, online backup, and disaster recovery.

D is correct: Objects may have a Retention Policy and can be versioned. A retention period can be placed on a bucket. An object in the bucket cannot be deleted or overwritten until it reaches the specified age. Object Versioning can be enabled on a bucket in order to retain older versions of objects when they are deleted or overwritten. Object Versioning increases storage costs, but this can be partially mitigated by configuring Object Lifecycle Management to delete older object versions.

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