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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


It is now necessary, in your company, for auditors and control managers to be able to access and query the IT systems, in a simpler way, for both administrative functions, and for data access.

IT management has the problem of providing simple access, organized by historical period. At the same time, they need to restrict costs.

Which solution would you recommend?

A. Let auditors and control managers use Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) Logging
B. Export selected logs to Cloud Storage
C. Export  selected logs to Cloud BigQuery
D. Develop an interface application for accessing log data

Correct Answer: C

A is wrong. It is not easy and simple. Auditors would not be able to search and analyze data the way they would need it.

B is wrong. Cloud Storage is not searchable at the granular level required.

C is correct. It will be easy to query and organize the Log information by historical period

D is wrong. It is neither easy nor simple and economical

You may configure log export and deliver them to a dataset in BigQuery, granting permissions to limit access.

Date-partitioned tables and expiration dates could help limit query costs by reducing the amount of data scanned as a part of queries and might keep auditing the logging data for the required period and then delete it.

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