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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your customer has a web app running with an instance template deployed with a Docker container. The system was deployed with a Container-Optimized OS (COS) image with Docker installed and a script that launches the container at the VM startup activation.

Now your customer asked for advice because he wants to start using Kubernetes (K8s).

Choose the right steps for correct installation (Choose 3).

A. Setup a GKE cluster with:  gcloud container clusters create
B. Deploy a Configuration  with:  kubectl create configuration
C. Create a Deployment with: kubectl create deployment
D. Create a set of pods
E. Create a Service with: kubectl expose deployment
F. Run the Pods with:  kubectl run

Correct Answers: A, C, E

A is correct. You already have the container image stored in a registry, so you need to create a container cluster to run the container image. A cluster consists of a pool of Compute Engine VM instances running Kubernetes,

B is wrong. The Command doesn’t exist. Use kubectl create deployment

C is correct. The deployment is the Pods configuration. Pods are just smallest collections of schedulable containers (one or more)

D is wrong. The creation of Pods is completely automated according to the Deployment info

E is correct. You must explicitly expose your application to traffic from the Internet, otherwise it will run only internally. The kubectl expose command creates a Service resource, which provides networking and IP support to your application’s Pods. GKE creates an external IP and a Load Balancer (subject to billing) for your application.

F is wrong. The kubectl run command is used for starting containers and setting up pods, but all that is done automatically by K8s based on your configuration (Deployment).








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