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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company’s user-feedback portal comprises a standard LAMP stack replicated across two zones. It is deployed in the us-central1 region and uses autoscaled managed instance groups on all layers, except the database. Currently, only a small group of select customers have access to the portal. The portal meets a 99.99% availability SLA under these conditions. However next quarter, your company will be making the portal available to all users, including unauthenticated users. You need to develop a resiliency testing strategy to ensure the system maintains the SLA once they introduce additional user load. What should you do?

A. Expose the new system to a larger group of users and increase group’s size each day until autoscale logic is triggered on all layers. At the same time, terminate random resources on both zones.
B. Create synthetic random user input, replay synthetic load until autoscale logic is triggered on at least one layer, and introduce “chaos” to the system by terminating random resources on both zones.
C. Capture existing users input and replay captured user load until autoscale is triggered on all layers. At the same time, terminate all resources in one of the zones.
D. Capture existing users input and replay captured user load until resource utilization crosses 80%. Also, derive estimated number of users based on existing users’ usage of the app, and deploy enough resources to handle 200% of expected load.


Correct Answer B


B (Correct answer) – Create synthetic random user input, replay synthetic load until autoscale logic is triggered on at least one layer, and introduce “chaos” to the system by terminating random resources on both zones.

Ideally, the test environment should always resemble production in term of infrastructure and workload but it’s not always realistic.  For example, testing data with full user population is not available, or test environment at production level is not ready.

In the question scenario, you can test in pre-production with a synthetic workload from existing users which simulates a production workload and introduce “chaos” to simulate one zone failure to test the availability for the SLA.

This enables you to decouple deployment from release, get real user feedback, test for bugs, and assess infrastructure performance.

Answers A, C, and D either incorrect or incomplete in workload simulation for testing users’ generation, or zone (s) failure simulation for availability SLA.

Additional Resources

Provisioning a regional managed instance group in two zones:




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