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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company currently hosts an AWS S3 bucket. You need to keep the contents of this bucket in sync with a new Google Cloud Storage bucket to support a backup storage destination. What is the best method to achieve this?

A. Once per week, use a gsutil cp command to copy over newly modified files.
B. Use gsutil rsync commands to keep both locations in sync.
C. Use Storage Transfer Service to keep both the source and destination in sync.
D. Use gsutil -m cp to keep both locations in sync.

Correct Answer C


You can use gsutil rsync to keep two locations in sync.

Here are the rules of thumb when deciding whether to use gsutil or Storage Transfer Service:

·         When transferring data one time or have to do it rarely, use gsutil.

·         When transferring data continuously for long periods of time, use Storage Transfer Service.

Otherwise, evaluate both tools with respect to your specific scenario.

Since, here the requirement is to keep both the bucket in sync all the time it’s preferable to use Storage Transfer Service.

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