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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You have a managed instance group comprised of preemptible VM’s. All of the VM’s keep deleting and recreating themselves every minute. What is a possible cause of this behavior?

A. Your zonal capacity is limited, causing all preemptible VM’s to be shutdown to recover capacity. Try deploying your group to another zone.
B. You have hit your instance quota for the region.
C. Your managed instance group’s VM’s are toggled to only last 1 minute in preemptible settings.
D. Your managed instance group’s health check is repeatedly failing, either to a misconfigured health check or misconfigured firewall rules not allowing the health check to access the instances.


Correct Answer D

In this case, the preemptible VM’s are not part of the problem. Likely, the cause is that the health check for the instance group is not receiving a success reply from the VM’s, causing it to recreate the VM’s over and over. This is due to either the health check not being correctly configured or the firewall for the instance group not allowing traffic from the load balancer/health check.




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