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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


For this question, refer to the EHR Healthcare case study.

EHR Healthcare is migrating its workloads to the Cloud with the aim of achieving greater security, availability, innovation capabilities, all supported by stronger control and organization.

Top Management needs to understand what are the trends in the healthcare world, also by comparing their data stored in Cloud SQL and MongoDB with other information from Open Data, Insurance and Institutions such as WHO.

It also wants to carry out forecast analyzes on trends and time series. They do not have an in-house Data Scientist team and therefore want GCP services to facilitate this process.

Which GCP service is best suited to these requirements?

A. BigQuery
B. Dataproc
C. Dataflow
D. BigTable

Correct answer: A

BigQuery allows to manage data with the standard SQL language, well known in the company, but not only: it allows access to data on text files and other databases, both in GCP, on-premises and in other Clouds.

Furthermore, with BigQuery ML, it is possible to create Machine Learning models for the required forecasting services without a team of Data Scientists.

  • B is wrong because Dataproc performs data analysis with the tools of the Hadoop ecosystem, but you need to know it well and it has neither the ease of use, nor the ability to integrate external data, nor the versatility of BigQuery.
  • C is wrong because Dataflow is aimed to manage parallel Data Pipelines, that is, data transformations. In Batch and Streaming mode. It is not an analytics tool.
  • D is wrong because BigTable is a noSQL database, powerful and very fast, used by Google for Gmail and Maps. It is not so suitable for data integration and prediction.

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