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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company is building a large-scale web application. Each team is responsible for its own service component of the application and wants to manage its own individual projects. You want each service to communicate with the others over RFC1918 address space. What should you do?

A. Deploy each service into a single project within the same VPC.
B. Configure Shared VPC and add each project as a service of the Shared VPC project.
C. Configure each service to communicate with the others over HTTPS protocol.
D. Configure a global load balancer for each project and communicate between each service using the global load balancer IP addresses.

Correct Answer B


B (Correct Answer) – Configure Shared VPC and add each project as a service of the Shared VPC project.

Using a shared VPC allows each team to individually manage their own application resources, while enabling each application to communicate between each other securely over RFC1918 address space.

The following example illustrates a simple Shared VPC scenario:

Instead of a VPC being within a single project, Shared VPC allows the VPC to exist in multiple projects:

–          Instance/Applications in Service Project A can communicate with Instance/Applications in Service Project B.

–          Neither Instance/Applications in Project A or Project B can communicate with the Standalone Project (Bottom)

–          Of course, within the Standalone Project, Instance 1 can commutate with Instance 2 normally.

A – Deploy each service into a single project within the same VPC.

Deploying services into a single project results in every team accessing and managing the same project resources. This is difficult to manage and control as the number of teams involved increases.

C – Configure each service to communicate with the others over HTTPS protocol.

HTTPS is a valid option; however, this answer does not address the need to ensure management of individual projects.

D – Configure a global load balancer for each project and communicate between each service using the global load balancer IP addresses

The global load balancer uses a public IP address, and therefore it does not conform to the requirement of communication over RFC1918 address space.




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