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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You work for a multinational company and are migrating an Oracle database to a multi-region Spanner cluster.

You have to plan the migration activities and the DBAs have told you that the migration will be almost immediate because no non-standard ISO / IEC features or stored procedures are used.

But you know that there is an element that will necessarily require some maintenance work.

Which is this element?

A. You need to drop the secondary indexes
B. You have to change most of the primary keys
C. You need to manage table partitions
D. You have to change the schema design of many tables

Correct Answer: D

As mentioned in the official documentation, the schema data types vary from Oracle to Spanner. For instance, the usage of VARCHAR column should be converted into Spanner’s STRING equivalent. The same applies for INT, INTEGER, etc (to be converted into INT64); the same for DATETIME -> TIMESTAMP. This basically means we need to convert the table schemas in any case. Therefore, answer D is valid.

  • Option A is incorrect because Spanner handles secondary indexes.
  • Option C is incorrect because Spanner automatically manages the distribution of data in the clusters.
  • Option B is incorrect because there is no insight about the type of primary keys being used in Oracle schema: nowhere it is written the DB is using sequences. The source Oracle DB could be using GUIDs which will work well.

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