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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


Helicopter Racing League (HRL) wants to migrate their existing cloud service to a new platform with solutions that allow them to use and analyze video of the races both in real-time and recorded for broadcasting, on-demand archive, forecasts, and deeper insights.

There is a need to transform media into different streaming formats so as to optimize them for the various platforms.

Which of the following strategies do you think is the best?

A. Use Dataflow and Pub/Sub
B. Use Elemental Medialive
C. Use Transcoder API
D. Use Dataproc

Correct Answer: C

The Transcoder API can:

  •  create consumer streaming formats, like MPEG-4 (MP4), Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH, also known as MPEG-DASH), and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).
  • encode or decode a digital data stream with multiple techniques (codecs)
  • Partionize video files for fast encoding decoding
  • A is wrong because Dataflow could transform a stream of data in another format but you had to provide all the coding to realize it .
  • B  is wrong because Elemental medialive is a broadcasting service from Amazon
  • D is wrong because Dataproc you should use Hadoop streaming and develop all the code for the solution.

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