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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are part of a team designing a containerized application to be deployed to GKE. The application will be deployed to a five-node cluster in a single region. The application will be used to process sensitive user data and there is a requirement to remove any sensitive data from the logs before it goes to Cloud Logging.

Which of the following helps you meet the requirement? Choose TWO

A. Enable Cloud Operations in GKE

Select System and workload logging and monitoring
B. Enable Cloud Operations in GKE

Select Legacy logging and monitoring.
C. Enable Cloud Operations in GKE

Select System monitoring only (Logging disabled).
D. Deploy a custom FluentD deployment to the cluster that filters out the sensitive information, so it is not logged
E. Deploy a custom FluentD daemonset to the cluster that filters out the sensitive information, so it is not logged

Correct Answers: C and E

  • Options A, B and D are incorrect. System & workload logging does not allow you customise the logging. Legacy logging is deprecated and is not recommended for newer clusters. Deployments in Kubernetes will not guarantee the deployment of fluentd pods to all nodes in the cluster.
  • Options C and E are CORRECT. Logging needs to be disabled so it can be installed manually and customized. Daemonset is the correct object used for logging because it ensures a fluentd pod is deployed on every node in the cluster to collect logs.


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