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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your Site Reliability (SRE) team members are frequently interrupted with several tasks/requests, such as handling quota requests, from customers that prevent them from making progress on engineering work or feature launches. A recent review shows that most of the requests are repetitive.

Which steps can you take to reduce the interruptions following Google’s SRE best practice to avoid exhaustions or burnout?

A. Onboard additional team members for support.
B. Assign the engineering work to the Software Engineering team.
C. Offload some of the requests to another SRE team to handle
D. Identify repetitive tasks that cause the interruptions and automate them

Correct Answer: D

  • Options A, B and C are incorrect. These options do not reduce the toil/interruptions as recommended by Google.
  • Option D is CORRECT. The recommended approach to reducing/eliminating toil is using automation. It frees up the SRE team members to do valuable engineering work.


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