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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team is designing a web-facing application for your organization. The application is intended to serve users globally. Your job is to plan for the capacity of the application.

Following GCP’s SRE best practice for capacity management, which of these is not recommended?

A. Design for graceful degradation
B. Carry out load testing
C. Implement monitoring and alerting
D. Provision a higher capacity to account for possible demand spikes

Correct Answer: D

  • Option A, B and C are incorrect. These are the recommended approaches for capacity planning. Load testing shows how the application will scale or fail under load; while monitoring allows for approach remedial actions to be taken while graceful degradation allows the application to function in cases of overwhelming request by rejecting requests so the system is not overloaded.
  • Option D is CORRECT. This is not recommended because it is costly and there is no guarantee the application will need that amount of resources.


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