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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


To meet industry compliance, your company has asked you to configure VPC Flow Logs. A key priority is to streamline the logs collected from Flow Logs to reduce storage costs.

What steps can you take to achieve this? Choose TWO

A. You can set filters so that only logs that match certain criteria are generated.
B. Metadata annotations can be turned off, or you can specify only certain annotations.
C. Create Log Sinks to store VPC Flow Logs
D. Modify Logs using the record_transformer plugin to reduce the number of logs written to Logging
E. Modify the default retention period on the Logs bucket

Correct Answers: A and B

  • Options A & B are CORRECT. Filtering and Metadata annotations are ways of modifying the number of logs generated and stored from VPC Flow Logs.
  • Option D is incorrect. This is used for logs generated by infrastructure such GKE and GCE, not VPC Flow Logs
  • Options C and E is incorrect. They do not streamline the logs collected; they focus more on storage of the logs.


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