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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You provide support for a Python application in production on Compute Engine. In recent times there have been complaints about the slow response of the application. You want to investigate how requests propagate through your entire application.

Which should you do?

A. Instrument your application and submit traces to Cloud Trace
B. Install the monitoring agent and send metrics to Cloud Monitoring
C. Install the logging agent and send logs to Cloud Logging
D. Create a dashboard to monitor the CPU utilization of the Compute Engine

Correct Answer: A

  • Options A is CORRECT. Cloud Trace shows how requests propagate through the different components (microservices or functions) of an application.
  • Options B and C are incorrect. The monitoring and logging agents do not show how requests propagate through the different component (microservices or functions) of an application
  • Option D is incorrect. CPU Utilization does not show how requests propagate through the different components (microservices or functions) of an application.


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