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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team is developing an application that will be deployed to production. During the load testing of the application there were application failures, infrastructure issues, and some capacity issues which were resolved and documented for reference in future incidents.

Which of the following is not a recommended practice for Incident management?

A. Focus on restoring service during incidents
B. Encourage team members to be familiar with each role in the incident management process.
C. Develop and document your incident management procedures in advance
D. Prioritize root-cause analysis during incidents

Correct Answer: D

  • Options A, B & C are incorrect. These are Google SRE’s best practices for Incident Management which include prioritizing service restoration during an incident, documenting incident management procedures in advance and encouraging team members to be familiar with each role in the process.
  • Option D is CORRECT. Best practice is to prioritize restoring service before root-cause investigations.


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