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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Which of the following hyperparameters do we need to specify before the model is trained? (Multiple choice – 4)

A. Number of layers in the model
B. Number of units per layer
C. Dropout rate
D. Weight on input values to a node
E. Learning rate

Correct Answers: A, B, C and E

  • Options A, B, C & E are CORRECT Number of layers, Number of units per layer, dropout rate, and learning rate are the hyperparameters for defining and training the model
  • Option D is incorrect because the weight on input values to a node is used in the neural network training process i.e each input value is weighted before its fed into the nodes in the next layer.

For more information on the ML – hyperparameters, please visit the below URL:

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