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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You receive bank transactions data through Cloud Pub/Sub and you need to analyze the data using Cloud data flow. The transactions are in the below format:

2INDEL3465,  JACK, 34627,DOLLAR,20191205234251000,D

1USCHG5627, SAM, 1276, DOLLAR, 20191205234252562,C

Currently the requirement is to extract customer name from the transaction and store the results in an output PCollection. Select the operation which is best suited for this processing.

A. Regex.find
B. Pardo
C. Extract
D. Transform

Option B is correct.

Option A is incorrect. Regex.find will output Regex group containing all the lines that matches the regex. In this case we need the customer name to be extracted and placed into another PCollection for further processing.

Option B is correct. As ParDo helps in extracting parts from elements. We can use ParDo for filtering a dataset. ParDo can be used to consider each element in PCollection and either output that element to a new collection or discard it.

Option C is incorrect. Extract option does not exist in Cloud Dataflow.

Option D is incorrect. Transform is a step in your pipeline and it represents data processing operation.

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