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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Choose all statement(s) which is/are correct for cloud pub/sub.

A. Cloud PubSub has a default subscription message retention period of 7 days.
B. The subscription message retention period for cloud pubsub is configurable and can be configured to a maximum of 28 days and a minimum of 10 minutes.
C. The subscription message retention period for cloud pubsub subscription is configurable and can be configured to a maximum of 7 days and a minimum of 10 minutes.
D. Subscription message retention period for cloud pub/sub is not configurable and is set to 7 days by default.

Correct Answer: A and C

Option A is correct. Cloud pub/sub has a default subscription message retention period of 7 days.

Option B is incorrect. Cloud pub/sub retention period is configurable and can be configured to a maximum of 7 days and a minimum of 10 minutes.

Option C is correct. Cloud pub/sub subscription message retention period is configurable and can be configured to a maximum of 7 days and a minimum of 10 minutes

Option D is incorrect. Cloud pub/sub retention period is configurable.


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