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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your organization is looking to use Google Cloud Looker to quickly analyze and find insights in datasets. They need to use the dataset already available with Bigquery. Their requirement is to create a separate dataset with one-day data.

Please find the necessary details :

Big Query Dataset (Source)  : `data-to-insights.retail.all_sessions`

Big Query Dataset for this requirement (target): retail.all_sessions_data

Date: ‘20170801’

Which of the following options is correct? (Single option)

A. #standardSQL
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE data-to-insights.retail.all_sessions
description=”all session data”
) AS
SELECT * FROM `retail.all_sessions_data`
WHERE date = ‘20170801’;

B. #standardSQL
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE retail.all_sessions_data
description=”all session data”
) AS
SELECT * FROM `data-to-insights.retail.all_sessions`
WHERE date = ‘20170801’;

C. #LegacySQL
CREATE OR REPLACE retail.all_sessions_data
description=”all session data”
) AS
SELECT * FROM `data-to-insights.retail.all_sessions`
WHERE date = ‘20170801’;

D. CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE retail.all_sessions_data
description=”all session data”
) AS
SELECT * FROM `data-to-insights.retail.all_sessions`
WHERE date = ‘20170801’;

Correct Answer: D

  • Option D  is CORRECT because the correct syntax is to move the data from one dataset to another is as follow and match with the option D :
    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <target-dataset>
       description="<about the dataset>"
     ) AS
     SELECT * FROM `<source-dataset>`;

For more information on the Google BigQuery, please visit the below URL:

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