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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company has stored data in Big Query Avro format. You need to export this Avro formatted data to a cloud storage bucket. The data exported in cloud storage should also be in Avro format. Which of the following options is the best way to achieve the given requirement?

A. Convert the data in CSV format using the BigQuery export option, specify the cloud storage bucket as the destination.
B. Create spark job using cloud Dataproc, input to this job will be BigQuery. This job will fetch the data from BigQuery in CSV format and transform the data in Avro format before storing into cloud storage.
C. Use the BigQuery transfer service to transfer data in AVRO format in cloud storage.
D. Use the export table option in BigQuery, specify the format as Avro and destination as cloud storage bucket.

Answer – D

Once you’ve loaded your data into BigQuery, you can export the data in several formats. BigQuery can export up to 1 GB of data to a single file. If you are exporting more than 1 GB of data, you must export your data to multiple files.

Option A is incorrect. The requirement is to export the data in Avro format in cloud storage and not in CSV format.

Option B is incorrect. Creating a spark job using cloud Dataproc is not correct as it would increase unnecessary complexity. We can directly export data in Avro format using the web console of BigQuery.

Option C is incorrect. BigQuery transfer service is used to automate data movement from Google application sources like Google Ads, Campaign Manager, Google Ad Manager and Youtube on a scheduled or managed basis.

Option D is correct. BiqQuery has native support for Avro format export to cloud storage. The only supported export location is Google Cloud Storage. Data can be exported in CSV, JSON and AVRO format.


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