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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


An organisation has deployed an external-facing applications on a managed instance group behind a HTTP(S) load balancer in GCP. Firewall rules have been set to allow user traffic from the internet. The instances in the managed instance group keep recycling.

Which of the following could be the problem?

A. The instances are not receiving any traffic.
B. The instances are failing health checks from the load balancer because there is no firewall rule to allow this traffic.
C. The instances are failing health checks because of the volume of traffic to the load balancer.
D. The instances are failing health checks because the autoscaling of the instance group was configured wrongly

Answer: B

Option A is incorrect

Option B is correct because without the appropriate firewall rules to allow the health checks, GCP load balancer classifies your instances as unhealthy

Option C is incorrect

Option D is incorrect

See for more information on health checks for GCP load balancers.

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