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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You have been tasked with configuring a GKE Cluster using a shared VPC. Several requirements have been provided below:


  1. Flexibility in pod per node configuration
  2. Using the alias IP ranges for the kubernetes resources.
  3. Distinct IP ranges for Pods and Services.

Which Cluster network mode would you choose?

A. Routes-based.
B. Policy-based.
C. Custom.
D. VPC-native

Answer: D

Option A is incorrect this does not satisfy any of the requirements.

Option B is incorrect, this is not an option in GKE network mode.

Option C is incorrect this is not an option in GKE network mode.

Option D is correct, this allows for flexibility in pod per node configuration and all the other requirements. and explain the differences in the two cluster network modes

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